Watch the video All About Diffusion which lets you compare the sound of diffusion, absorption, and other surfaces. You'll find it partway down the list on our Videos page. NEW: Hear for yourself the enormous benefit of diffusers and bass traps in our Hearing is Believing demonstration.
All untreated listening rooms suffer from comb filtering, a particular frequency response error that creates numerous peaks and deep nulls. Comb filtering is a problem in smaller rooms especially, because of the proximity of the listening position to the rear wall behind. Numerous peaks and nulls occur at predictable quarter wavelength distances from that wall, badly skewing what you hear. For audiophiles and other critical listeners the result is a colored, often boxy and congested sound. For mix engineers comb filtering is even more troublesome - if you can't hear the music as it really sounds, it's much more difficult to achieve an excellent mix. When placed on the rear wall behind the listening position the RealTraps Diffuser scatters mid and high frequencies, while low frequencies pass through the reflecting well membranes to be absorbed by rigid fiberglass behind. The membranes also increase bass absorption beyond what fiberglass alone could provide. Thus, comb filtering artifacts are reduced dramatically over the entire effective range. The RealTraps Diffuser is 24 inches wide by 48 inches high by 6 inches deep and weighs 26 pounds [Metric: 61 x 122 x 15 cm, 12 kg]. It is available in either Far or Near versions, depending on the listener's proximity. The Far version has diffusion wells 6 inches deep, and is recommended when the diffuser is at least six feet away from the listener's ears. For smaller rooms where the listener is closer, the Near model is more appropriate. The Near model has wells 3 inches deep, and the bass trap portion is correspondingly thicker as shown in the drawings above.
RealTraps Diffusers are available in wheat or black frame colors, with either white or black vanes and wells. Please specify which frame and vane / well color combination you prefer when ordering. In the overall scheme of acoustic treatment, diffusion is more like icing on the cake compared to the staples of absorption and bass trapping. However, good diffusion can add a nice sense of spaciousness not possible with absorption alone. Diffusion also avoids comb filtering and flutter echo, but without reducing the room's ambience as does absorption. Truly excellent diffusers like this are complex to design and build, and thus cost more than absorption which is simpler to manufacture. Even the best diffusers are ineffective below around 600 Hz, so absorption is still needed for those lower frequencies. We have developed what we believe is the ultimate diffuser because it offers the best of both treatment types. Indeed, two or more RealTraps Diffusers adjacent will create the ideal "rear wall" treatment for listening rooms and mixing suites of any size. Top |
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