TYPES OF MONDOTRAP MondoTraps and Corner MondoTraps offer more low frequency absorption than any other bass trap of its size. (Only MegaTraps are better.) As you can see on the Product Data page, MondoTraps absorb twice as much as MiniTraps below 100 Hz, and proportionally more above 100 Hz too. When very high performance at low frequencies matters more than anything else, MondoTraps are the obvious choice.
Corner MondoTraps are very similar to regular MondoTraps except they have beveled sides to fit more nicely into a corner to hide the edges. Even though the panel is a full four inches thick, the rear portion telescopes into the corner so it appears only one inch thick. This is a cosmetic difference only. The drawing at right shows the top view of a Corner MondoTrap so you can see the shape. Standard MondoTraps and Corner MondoTraps are 2 feet wide by 4'-9" tall by 4-1/4 inches thick, and weigh 17 pounds. [Metric: 61 x 145 x 11 cm, 8 kg] The optional stand shown at left lets you avoid permanent wall mounting, or easily move them around as needed. Corner MondoTraps mount just like regular MondoTraps, but for stand mounting they require Wall Stands rather than our regular stands as shown here. Note that MondoTraps are not suitable for mounting on microphone stands because of their large size and weight. FAT MONDOTRAPS We also offer three alternate versions that are 6 inches thick. The 2x4 foot Fat MondoTrap weighs 20 pounds [Metric: 61 x 122 x 15 cm, 9 kg] and is ideal where a full-height MondoTrap won't fit. They're also perfect for stacking in corners or along walls as shown in the lower photo at left. At six inches thick, Fat MondoTraps are stable enough to stack up to 12 feet high without having to be attached to a wall. Smaller 2x3 and 2x2 foot versions are also available for stacking in rooms with ceilings lower than 8 feet. So a stack can be 6 or 7 feet high for rooms where two 2x4 traps would be too tall. Since these traps are meant to be stacked they do not include mounting bars in the rear. Note: Fat MondoTraps are not available in the corner style with beveled edges. Besides the standard bass trap version, all MondoTrap models are available in an optional "HF" (high frequency) type for the same price, when absorption at mid and high frequencies is required in addition to bass trapping. |
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